Dig & Shout: Ultimate Volleyball Drill For Perfect Digs & Team Communication
Posted on: 10/7/24
Last updated on: 10/7/24
Author: Thalia A. U.
Dig & Shout Drill
An important aspect of Volleyball will always include forearm passing/defense.
In this blog post I will be explaining the Dig & Shout Drill which helps focus on Digging, and communication on defense (more specifically, on an attack). This is a drill that is helpful to keep in your toolbox for keeping up with the fast-paced aspect of digging volleyball.
The Youtube video is linked above with visual examples of how to run the drill with my full team.
Set up for the D&S Drill
What you’ll need for this drill includes very few things…
You’ll need:
Volleyballs (of course, but had to mention!)
6 players on one side of the court
A box jump/sturdy platform to elevate height
Instructions + Goal of drill
During the Dig & Shout drill you will be standing on the box jump/platform on one side of the net, while your team of 6 players is set up on the opposite side of the net.
When doing this, we hope to have one person (ideally a coach) hit at the 6 players on the opposite side of the net by standing on the elevated platform.
You will move the box jump platform to the 3 hitting spots (Outside, Middle, Right side) after you feel that each area has been performed fully/to the best of their ability by your team.
The goal of the D&S drill is to have your 6 players communicate the type of attack you will be doing prior to contact with the ball.
This is helpful during games because vocalizing the type of attack will help your defense shift accordingly, and most importantly… sooner.
Things to expect your 6 players on to communicate during the D&S drill
There are many ideas of what your defense can communicate during an opponents attack, but during the D&S drill you can tell your athletes to communicate these four major type of attacks…
Your athletes will be able to tell the type of attack you are doing Prior to making contact with the ball, or before it passes the top of the net (tape).
They can do this by reading your body (the hitters)
For example…
Tip: One arm up/extended, Claw like hand posture
Push: Both arms up/extended, resembles a set positioning slightly
Hit: Guiding arm up + Hitting arm back to swing
Free-ball: Platform out, Shoulder dropped
How to Coach D&S efficiently
Holding your athletes accountable during this drill will help them excel in communication on defense, but especially the fast paced digging aspect of passing in volleyball.
So, make sure your athletes are doing this during the D&S drill:
Communicating in General (No brainer, but if they aren’t even communicating… check them on it quickly!)
Call the attack EARLY (Not once it is halfway to the floor, or after you’ve already hit it)
Communicate Loudly (You should be able to hear it from across the gym!)
In conclusion…
This drill is one I made up on my own, but it is so simple that I’m sure other Volleyball coaches have come up with their own renditions of this type of drill with a similar idea in mind. However I hope this drill can help you or your team become stronger in their communication, and reading abilities on defense!
if you need a video example please check out my youtube video linked above.
I hope to see you in a future blog post!
-Coach T